The Careers and Employability team offers you an exclusive opportunity to be a part of a digital project that connects you with real clients!

The Practera Business Opportunity Accelerator Digital Industry Project will begin in November and the Program connects student teams with real clients to complete a research and insights report to navigate through the challenges of COVID-19. This is a multidisciplinary team project and is open to students from all disciplines.

The first step to register for the program is to attend the compulsory information session at 11.00am on Friday 20 November. Book in HERE! You will receive instructions on how to progress with applying for the program during the information session, so make sure you attend.

To be eligible you must also sign up for the Careers and Employability Award. The Program can be credited towards your completion of the Careers and Employability Award as part of your 100 hours Work Experience or as a Supplementary Activity (Case Studies and Competitions).

If November does not work for you, we will be offering this opportunity again in February 2021.

If you need to complete additional virtual work experience or activities as part of the Award also consider InsideSherpa, CareerGuide for virtual work experience with leading companies in a variety of industries, and ASD CyberEXP for cyber security career experience.

Limited places!